Ok you thought the pudding story was interesting? Here's another:
We are in the process of moving the guys from the apartment next door to their new place about 10 minutes away. The large part of this move took place Friday. A friend, Leonardo, helped us by loading up his car with the guys' stuff while two of our STINTers carried their couch down the streets of Salerno.
Lacey Mai and I stayed behind to clean the apartment (because being a guys apartment, it was disgusting). We're cleaning and listening to music and then we hear it "slam!"...
**background info: There is one door that allows us into both the guys and our apartment, then individual doors for each apartment. Wind tends to come through open windows and blow our apartment door shut. This is not a problem, as long as you have keys to get back into the apartment. We've often said "one day that door will close and we will not have keys" **back to the story
Lacey Mai and I stare at eachother.. both of us asking the other if she has keys... fear shows it's face. Ok, no big deal... we'll call the other STINTers... problem: our phones are in the apartment. Ok, so we'll just walk over there... problem: both of us are barefoot.
If that wasn't enough, we were hungry and we had just cleaned out the guys' fridge.
Having finished cleaning, and our teammates still not returned, we decide to try to watch First Knight in Italian with English subtitles - aka language learning. About an hour into the movie, the computer dies... no cord to charge it.
So we get resourceful. We still had internet access and about 6 minutes worth of battery on my computer. We facebooked (similiar to Myspace but less creepy) everyone that we knew in Italy, asking them to call our teammates and tell them the situation.
9:45pm (3 hours after they left) Our teammates return - with pizza - but not for us.
They had tried calling us - too bad we couldn't answer.
After a fast "THANK GOD" and explanation as to why they were shortly going to be receiving numerous phone calls from other STINTers in Italia, we headed off to the closest restaurant to feed our growling stomaches.
awww so sad!
oh the stories of locked doors....the list gets longer...
love the blog!
I like this story, I think Justin would say it simply doesn't compare to his first night locked out though.
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