Tuesday, October 30, 2007

So many Blog ideas, so little time

Blog Idea #1:
Ok, so we all know about the sterotypical accordian player that sings "traditional" italian songs... Well, it's not as much fun when you awake to it 3 mornings a week as he strolls down the small alley next to your window. There are many such musicians around Italy - some with small African drums, some with guitars, and some with saxaphones. Awaiting the bus to go back home after church, a saxaphone player (complete with microphone hook up and speaker on wheels) was strolling down the street in Battipaglia. Now, this is not the interesting part: the interesting part is the little old lady with a cane that got up from her bench, began walking, but periodically took a couple seconds to shake her groove thing as best she could to the bachatta that the musician was playing. (We couldn't help but smile and giggle. I love little old Italian ladies!!)

Had enough of musician stories? too bad, because here's another.
That same day, during church, Pastor Antonio is talking about trumpet calls used in the Bible - always used to summon the coming of God or his presence/power. While he's speaking, we begin to hear some music. I immediately thought it was a cell phone, but it grew louder. Then a pause in the sermon, we realize the song that we hear is from a passing accordian player. And the song is... Drum roll please... Ave Maria! (It was beautiful, but it did disrupt the sermon as everyone got a short chuckle.)

Blog Idea #2:
In the last couple days, I've developed a cold. This is bearable, but I tend to be tired at the end of our time on campus. Today, we boarded a very crowded bus (pretty typical on the way to campus). Unfortunately, this bus had very few windows and I was in the aisle surrounded by people. Then we hit traffic. It got very warm on the bus. I believe the bus driver turned on something like air conditioning - but it smelled wierd and didn't help at all. So I started to feel a little light-headed. A couple of the guys got off the bus and walked to the next bus stop (since the traffic wasn't moving.) The bus moved eventually, but I was still feeling off. I was hopeful that wind circulating would help. Unfortunately, we only turned the corner and stopped again. At this point, I tell Katherine that I will have to get off at the next stop. My vision was starting to blur a bit and my hands were shaking. A few feet later, I tell Katherine I may have to get off before the next stop. At this point, people are starting to see that I am not feeling well and am looking pale. Thankfully the stop was only another half block away. The bus stopped, I climbed off as quickly as my blurry vision would allow me, and sat against the storefront on the sidewalk.
Good news: I'm ok. I was probably about to faint, but now I know my limits (I'm not as tough as I think I am.)
We learned that Italians believe taking a caffe can fix anything. That was the first piece of advise we received from a passing lady. Then another told me to drink fruit juices. My teammate brought me a glass of water with a sugar packet in it (it's what the barista gave him when he heard I was feeling sick). I personally believe sitting and drinking water helped a lot. 5 minutes later we were back on a bus - a much less crowded one - and on the way to campus!! Forza!


Kat said...

awwww glad you didn't faint! I love your blogs!

Unknown said...

I love all the crazy ideas the Italians think of to make you feel better! Those buses made me crazy all year, I got physically ill almost every day because of them (never threw up but always got very close).

A Wanderer's Heart said...

I love reading your blog, Miss Tiff... please keep writing! I'm so glad you didn't faint! And I hope that you feel all better soon. :) Love you!